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the Touch through time

/ Television provides the model of such a tecnology. against the telephonic perspective,/
Hausmannn's concept of presentismus pointed to a differentiation in temporality, which is also a differentiation in the perceptual moment itself. Furthermore, this differentiation was understood in the terms of a new kind of tactility - a kind of ex-centric sensitivity that could be relized only by means of " haptical and telehaptical transmitters.''

According to Marcus, perceptions and sensations exceed the limits of the body proper: our sensations occur at the site of the object towards which our attention is directed, taking place "'in" the world rather than "in" us.

hausmann - new departure of optical and haptic(촉각) understanding
marcus -

( what is distant is brought right into our perceptual presence, yet at the same time it remains strangely removed.) The televisual implications of Hausmann's notion of tactility(촉감, 실재감) can then be understood in the following terms: In the (electronic) play of light, the moment of perception itself is experienced as self-differentiation.

television enders distance  as represented for instance by the timing of alls and reponses on the telephone - invisible by transposing distanct directly into the vision ti rransmits. This short-circuiting implies a radical separation that splits the unity of the body's time and place - a well-known feature of both film and photography as well. But in television this separation is combined with a presentness associated with sense perception that involves the actuality of the body in a very different way. ( happens all over the place at the same time) In contrast to film and photography, television( sith its live events and realtime emanations) does not transmit images of representations, but offers only the semblance of presentation as such.

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