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Francis Bacon potrait + others all these images from - http://www.francis-bacon.cx/triptychs/three_studies.html 더보기
havent read yet http://www.lclark.edu/~goldman/hypersig/hyperframe.htm 더보기
read but.... Touch through time Raul Hausmann's televisual concept (optical and haptic) and Paik's video art p214 Electronic recording lets us experience that the question of the musical "what" is already radically temporalized, yet, as paik saw it, this temporalization was also potentially suppressed in the medium of tape recording favored by electronic composers: the closed-off and linear duration of the t.. 더보기
touch through Time p211 / Television provides the model of such a tecnology. against the telephonic perspective,/ Hausmannn's concept of presentismus pointed to a differentiation in temporality, which is also a differentiation in the perceptual moment itself. Furthermore, this differentiation was understood in the terms of a new kind of tactility - a kind of ex-centric sensitivity that could be relized only by mea.. 더보기
the Touch through time p211 / Television provides the model of such a tecnology. against the telephonic perspective,/ Hausmannn's concept of presentismus pointed to a differentiation in temporality, which is also a differentiation in the perceptual moment itself. Furthermore, this differentiation was understood in the terms of a new kind of tactility - a kind of ex-centric sensitivity that could be relized only by mea.. 더보기
ten myths of internet art 1.The internet is a medium delivering miniature forms of other art mediums. No, because 1 : internet art tend to be positioning outside of the mainstream so searching general term, such as visual art, is not a simple solution to find and appriciate internet art. 2 : sometimes existing art work is hard to be delivered properly by technical reason. 2. Internt art is appreciated only by an arcane s.. 더보기
plato's cave usable quotations 3p -- To collect photographs is to collect the world. Movies and television programs light up walls, flicker and go out;but with still phtographs the images is also an object,light-weight, cheap to produce, easy to carry about, accumulate, store. 4p -- To photograph is to appropriate the thing photgraphed. It means putting oneself into a certain relation to the world that feels.. 더보기
vanishing point tutorial01 another tutorial site link 더보기
links_ visual art http://www.dmoz.org/Arts/Visual_Arts/Installation_Art/Artists/ 더보기
FEB 2008 TV AD 더보기