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while listening the current situation of banking crisis I was playing spider card game and listening bbc news 24 at the same time on my computer. The main point of the debate started why it is happening and how. There were many financial Experts all over the world. ( which is often done by BBC whenever they want to show off they are the only one broadcaster in this world that actually can DO this sort of broadcasting on LIVE. This fact is true, thoug.. 더보기
Something about Hot foods Many westerners are curious about hot food culture in Korea. Koreans have been brought up the environment that there is no chance to avoid hot taste in daily basis. I should say even though Koreans are surrounded by these hot foods, some are not keen on them. Like you, westerners, we, Koreans have various type of people living in our society. However, Surely, Majority of Koreans love hot food. Y.. 더보기
It's 18th September 2008. Do you know what are you doing today? I thought I knew mine but It seems I haven't got anything to do. Today, I just get lost again feel disoriented. Maybe It's just because of the pint of Guiness I had for lunch or maybe not.... In fact, since last month, Every happening seems so challenging in various direction. I still couldn't figure it out when and how all these changes began. I'm not looki.. 더보기
ARTIST's WAY It was exactly 10 years ago that I got this book for the first time. I knew about 'artist's way' a year before, but I had been hastating to buy it for a year. Maybe it was a bit expensive book at the time, or I was just too serious to take it . Anyway, A year later, I bought it and followed the weekly tasks according to the instruction given by this book. It changed me a lot since then. the chan.. 더보기
new BLOG Move on to the New Blog for the final dissertation -> here It need more organized categories for easy access. I'm gradually moving stuffs from here to the new one. see you there. 더보기
11 Days in Korea It's past 11th already. There is some sort of mixed feeling that makes me remind of the past, which I have tried to forget. Nevertheless, I realized nothing has been forgotten. Every places I've been so far bring back all the details of the memories to me. Few of them made me smile, rest of them made me shed a tear. I thought I compeletly overcome all of those but I don't yet. I'm facing another.. 더보기
Another Presentation Just finished another presentation ( or Crit whatever it's called). I was despair, I never overcome this language barrier. After 5 years of staying and put myself in various challenges, I'm still not functioning properly. Main matter, I've realized today, is lack of speaking practice. Speaking is really a habitual process. Quicker reaction is better, once you make a mistake, need to rephrase asa.. 더보기
Schopenhauer's porcupine dilemma The phrase hedgehog's dilemma refers to the notion that the closer two beings come to each other, the more likely they are to hurt one another; however if they remain apart, they will each feel the pain of loneliness. This comes from the idea that hedgehogs, with sharp spines on their backs, will hurt each other if they get too close. This is analogous to a relationship between two human beings... 더보기